在Fedora Core 3上安装iPodder(转载)

LinuxQuestions.org – iPodder – Fedora Core 3 – where Linux users come for help: “1. $ rpm -qa | grep py
and make sure you see the following packages:
If not, you must install them before continuing. If you use yum, the following command will help you install those packages:

# yum install python python-devel
# yum install libxml2-python
# yum install pygtk2 pygtk2-devel

2. iPodder requires wxPython 2.5 but unfortunately the version of wxPython package provided along with FC3 (and even FC4) is 2.4. This caused the ugly error ‘AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘PyEventBinder” many people had encoutered. Note that iPodder requires wxPython 2.5 so the latest release from http://www.wxpython.org (version 2.6) doesnt work either (this caused the error ‘no module wx’ when you install the wxpython 2.6 RPM packages downloading from wxpython.org). Following below steps to install wxPython 2.5 (they are fc2 packages but dont worry):

$ wget http://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/sou…_py2.3.i386.rpm
$ wget http://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/sou…_py2.3.i386.rpm
$ wget http://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/sou…_py2.3.i386.rpm

# rpm -Uvh wxPython-common-gtk2-unicode- wxPython2.5-gtk2-unicode- wxPython2.5-devel-gtk2-unicode-

Of course, you can download the wxPython source, build and install instead of using RPM packages.

3. iPodder RC3 requires python-xmms which is not provided in FC3. Fortunately, I found a RPM package of python-xmms at DAG repository.

$ wget http://dag.wieers.com/packages/pyth…fc3.rf.i386.rpm
# rpm -Uvh python-xmms-2.04-1.1.fc3.rf.i386.rpm

4. Okay, the prerequisites are now fully satisfied. You can download iPodder RC3 and follow the INSTALL.linux to install iPodder.

This will get iPodder up and running in FC3!”

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