



姓名 王亮 性别 出生年月 1977年10月
求职方向 软件开发
  • 五年C++开发经验,了解泛型编程并有实践经验,在研究生阶段使用过STL。了解设计模式并能适当运用于项目开发。
  • 一年Perl开发经验,使用过一些Perl Module,比如XML::SimpleXML::WriterGraphViz等。
  • 一年正则表达式使用经验,能够使用多种不同正则表达式,如Perl,Emacs,sed和grep等,对文本做分析和替换。
  • 工作在Cygwin环境下近三年时间,会写makefile,shell脚本,在工作中经常使用一些GNU软件,如cvs,sed,find和grep,以及利用man和info学习不熟悉的工具。
  • 三年Emacs使用经验,会用Emacs Lisp定制Emacs。曾为我们的编译器中间语言写过一个Emacs Mode,能高亮显示重要信息,以及快速移动光标到特定位置,如函数头、尾等。
  • 一年GraphViz使用经验

  • 设计、实现了一个用于嵌入式设备的C编译器的调试信息支持功能,主要工作内容是使用户能够调试经编译器优化的代码,历时近三年。此功能仍在进一步优化、完善中。
  • 与美国同事合作制定开发进度并一起编写程序。
  • 与调试器组(在德国)合作以消除误解、协调开发进度。
  • 用Perl开发调试信息测试框架,前后历时一年半,主要用来做编译器调试信息的质量控制。
  • 多次做关于编译理论和产品实现的同级培训,以加速成长、分享知识。
  • 硕士,计算机科学专业,浙江大学,杭州,2000年9月至2003年3月
  • 学士,计算机科学专业,浙江大学,杭州,1996年9月至2000年7月


Name Wang, Liang Gender Male Birthday Oct. 1977
Career Objective software development
  • Five year C++ development experience. Used STL in university, and have basic knowledge and experience about generic programming. Understand design patterns and use them in project modestly.
  • One year Perl development experience. Used modules such as XML::Simple, XML::Writer, and Graphviz.
  • One year regular expression experience. Be able to use flavors for Perl, Emacs, sed and grep to parse or replace text.
  • Work on Cygwin for nearly three years. Be able to write makefile, shell script and use basic GNU tools, such as cvs, sed, find and grep, in daily work. Be able to learn unfamiliar tools using man and info.
  • Use Emacs as primary editor for nearly three years. Be able to customize emacs with Emacs Lisp. And wrote an Emacs Mode for intermediate language of compiler to highlight important information and to facilitate navigation. Help three team members(6 total) to learn Emacs and use it in daily work.
  • One year Graphviz experience.
Working Experience
Software Engineer, compiler developer, Intel China Software Center, Shanghai, from Mar. 31, 2003 to now.

  • Design, implement and improve debugging information support of an embedded c compiler, especially support on debugging optimized code to satisfy customers’ debug requirements on limited development environment, for about three years.
  • Collaborate with US team members to setup schedule and develop compiler. They are located at different sites in America.
  • Collaborate with debugger team to eliminate misunderstanding and align development schedule. They are based on Ulm, Germany.
  • Develop and improve debug test framework using Perl for one and a half year. Debug test is used to track quality of compiler’s debug support.
  • Deliver peer training, including both theory and implementation, to team members and group members to speed up growth and share knowledges.
Education Background
  • Master of Computer Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Sep. 2000 – Mar. 2003
  • Bachelor of Computer Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Sep. 1996 – Jul. 2000

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