编写基于RTM API的程序,首先需要申请API key,然后还需要一个认证的过程,认证辅助脚本如下:
#!/usr/bin/perl use WebService::RTMAgent; use strict; use warnings; my $ua = new WebService::RTMAgent; $ua->api_key("your api key here"); $ua->api_secret("your secret key here"); $ua->init; my $res = $ua->tasks_getList("filter=status:completed"); die $ua->error unless defined $res; ## Collect data my %stat; foreach my $list (@{$res->{tasks}}) { foreach my $taskseries (@{$list->{list}}) { my $list_id = $taskseries->{id}; next unless exists $taskseries->{taskseries}; foreach my $task (@{$taskseries->{taskseries}}) { my %task_stat; foreach my $t (@{$task->{task}}) { my ($year, $month, undef) = split /-/, $t->{completed}; ++$task_stat{$year}{$month}; } # only count taskseries foreach my $y (keys %task_stat) { foreach my $m (keys %{$task_stat{$y}}) { ++$stat{$y}{$m}; } } } } } ## Output sub simple_cvs_output { my $input = shift; for my $year (sort keys %$input) { for my $month (sort keys %{$input->{$year}}) { print "$year,$month,$input->{$year}{$month}n"; } } } sub chart_stackedbars_output { my $input = shift; my $filename = shift; require Chart::StackedBars; my $chart = Chart::StackedBars->new(400, 300); my %stat = %$input; my @years = sort keys %stat; $chart->add_dataset(@years); my @months = map { sprintf "%02d", $_ } (1 .. 12); for my $m (@months) { my @count_per_month = map { (exists $stat{$_}->{$m}) ? $stat{$_}->{$m} : 0 } @years; $chart->add_dataset(@count_per_month); } my %properties = ( title => "statistics of netcasper's RTM accomplishment", text_space => 5, precision => 0, x_label => 'Year', y_label => 'Number of Task Series', y_grid_lines => 'true', legend => 'right', legend_labels => ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], ); $chart->set(%properties); $chart->png($filename); } # simple_cvs_output(%stat); chart_stackedbars_output(%stat, 'taskseries.png');